We have searched the world for large longitudinal datasets that have the potential to support transformative research on mental health |

Longitudinal datasets are a critical resource in helping researchers to advance knowledge about mental health. We aimed to understand the global landscape of longitudinal data that can accelerate mental health research.

Learn more about the rationale for our search in the Wellcome Trust’s request for proposals (RFP) for this project.

What is longitudinal research?

Longitudinal datasets contain information about a group of people collected repeatedly over time. Research designs that use longitudinal data have a number of significant advantages, including allowing for examination of patterns of change across time and the influence of earlier life circumstances on later outcomes. Longitudinal research can also provide insight into causal mechanisms and processes that is beyond the scope of cross-sectional studies, and can be a powerful resource to accelerate mental health research. Browse the CLOSER Learning Hub for more information about longitudinal data.

What datasets have we looked for?

We have searched the world for large, longitudinal datasets that have the potential to answer questions related to early intervention in depression, anxiety and/or psychosis. This includes datasets that do not measure depression, anxiety, and psychosis now, but could in the future. We have looked for longitudinal datasets based on population cohort studies, as well as other forms of routinely collected data held by commercial organisations, governments, health services, schools or social care providers. These datasets may be based on clinical or population samples, and may have been collected for other purposes.

What did we find?

We identified over 3,000 longitudinal datasets in our global search. You can read about the global longitudinal data landscapes, the richness of these data and our recommendations for how these datasets could be best used to advance our understanding of mental health conditions in our full report.

Want to learn more about longitudinal datasets from around the world?

You can now explore, view, favourite and compare thousands of longitudinal datasets from across the world on the Atlas of Longitudinal Datasets!